Thoughtless Ramblings

Finding my Blogging Voice

I want to blog but have never posted. I start a draft and work on it for hours and days, but I never think it's good enough. I always think that I could do better, write better, be better. For so long all I've written is essays and official memos, I find it hard to let down my standards and be natural.

My recent resume is working against me; four years of college with essays and lab reports, and a year at a corporate job with professional communications. Writing off the cuff to a casual audience doesn't come as easy to me as it once did. Somehow I need to undo the last five years of training and relearn simplicity and sincerity.

This is my first post and I don't expect it to make a splash, but rather just a drop in the sea of writers online. My real goal with this post and others are to find my "blogging voice", a version of myself who can write freely without worrying so much about the particulars.

I'm afraid this post will join the myriad others on BearBlog in the "meta-blogging" category; blogging about blogging. While that may be true for this first entry, I'm hoping to expand my writing in the coming months, I just hope someone will join me on that journey.

#meta #thoughts